Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Majestic Visited 11-15-08

Majestic is a club like atomesphere located around the capitol. I went to the Majestic for an 80's vs. 90's theme party. I have to say that overall I am not very impressed with the Majestic. The bar was located off to the side in a small corner area in the middle of a walking space. The bar was packed and scrunched and overcrowded. The drink prices are high and it is hard to get to the bar. The dance floor was big but hard to get in a socail mood without bar access. The bar was hard to get to from the state street area and made it a less enjoyable time thinking about the cold walk home that was ahead. The music was very mediocre and almost a let down. At a 90's party I did not even hear the Macerana once. I mean like come on all I wanna do is an organized dance to Latin influenced pop. The dance floor was very large which was one nice thing if there was a little bit better of a crowd inside. I have to say that overall the experience at the Majestic was not one of the finer ones. I hope I do not compromise the integrity of the blog by writting about a theme party in a club like atomesphere because this blog is meant to focus on the bar atomesphere in the Madison Area. Jacks Ratings 2.1/5

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